I mean - It ws thought of to remove older - polluting cars from the roads, and make everyone drive more efficient models right?
But as most of the people who can afford to buy a new car, are the type to change cars every 2 or 3 years anyway - will they just be crushing newer cars instead?
This will still mean over 90% of the older cars will remain unaffected?
What is the benefit to the environment of crushing newer cars?Does the Government car scrappage scheme in any way benefit the environment?The only potential benefit to the environment would be reducing pollution.
The scheme is of more benefit to the car industry.
It only runs until 31 March 2010 or when the 300,000 limit has been reached.
The old cars must be over 10 years old or pre 1999.
Not all old cars are eligible.
More importantly, the owners of the old cars are most likely not in a position to buy a new one.
Not a very well thought out scheme and a badly timed one.Does the Government car scrappage scheme in any way benefit the environment?People who are driving older cars,in most instances,are only doing so because they can't afford a brand new car.
Even with the two thousand pound incentive, they still can't afford to find the other 6,7 or 8 grand to buy a new car.
So i can't see it being much help in getting older cars off the road.
This should be obvious to the government, but as usual they can't see it whilst in their ivory towers.Does the Government car scrappage scheme in any way benefit the environment?hi...all the crap that the government says an does are two different things...always.there quick fixes are at our expense,and there%26quot; feel better today%26quot;an we are taxing you tomorrow,is getting old.as far as the environmentally safe auto mobile,there putting mother earth on hold again,cause there not gonna make cars affordable for all an environmentally safe either.this car crunching has been going on since they rolled the first one off the line.an if you've noticed,those vehicles where all Terran an lasted in all weather,an they got you there an for what we pay the industry they should last a life time! scrapping cars is a billion dollar industry...not from the car crushing,,but for the parts they remove an resell to the public.Is there a better way,,,yes its called slowing down,saddling up,and enjoying the ride,,,,we've forgotten not every thing needs to go fast,look like wedges of cheese,and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.and when we are all gone and mother nature restores her surface it won't cost us a thing,because like every thing else that has caused damage an abuse she will absorb an turn into something beautiful....blessed be....!
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