Monday 17 October 2011

Traveling in a car with a two year old?

any suggestions on what to do with a two year old who hates being in the car seat? We have tried changing car seats, chenaging where the seat is in the SUV, DVDs, kids music, singing songs, games. He sreams and cries!!! He has never really liked being in the car but recently, it seems to be worse. thanks for your ideasTraveling in a car with a two year old?try nothing no radio no nothing just ignore him he will probably fall asleep

also make sure the straps arent to tight and if he has a favorite toy or blanket give him that
Traveling in a car with a two year old?
Have you tried having someone sit in the back with him? Coloring? I wish I had more ideas for you as it sounds like a tough time. Good Luck!
Traveling in a car with a two year old?
How about asking him why he doesn't like riding the in car seat. Does he get carsick? That could be the problem. Give him some snacks in the car, and good idea about the DVDs. Those keep me entertained. What does he like to do at home?
I have 5 kids and recently we had to drive for 4 hours to visit family. My 1 year old hates being in the car even to do school runs and my 2 year old gets bored very quickly. As our DVD was broken I took a big bag of toys, snacks, colouring stuff and anything I could think of. Well nothing worked and if my 1 year old did show interest it was for no longer than 1 minute. I tried sitting in the back between the two of them which did help somewhat. We have a minivan so we were all able to move places when we pulled over. We also tried to make frequent stops so they could get out which is hard when you are just trying to get to your destination. But it did help as they got to run around and wear themselves out a bit. That is a good thing as then they will have a little sleep. I also gave them some natural medicine called travel calm I found at the chemist. It helped for about half the trip as they needed it because they would get so worked up about being in the car for so long. But just keep trying different things that work for bits at a time. Good luck I know how hard it can be.
I've read all the other answers. I'm wondering if this may be a fear that has developed in him. Have you tried asking him what is wrong? I know that 2 year olds may not always say what is on their minds, but perhaps by what he does say, you can get some clues. Good luck!
I'm not sure, but are his straps too tight?

He's actually old enough to either tell you or show you if it's something hurting him, just ask him if you haven't already.

Try turning the DVD player off completely. The noise, the ride, the cars passing by him may be too much for him.

So the only thing you can do is not have anything loud going on inside the car. (when he notices the DVD player off, he may stop crying to have it back on. Don't be to quick to put it back on, ask him what he'd like to watch. What you want to do, is get his mind off the ride and focus on a movie or music, keep the noise level down, I know from sitting in the back of the SUV w/ my grandkids, it's MUCH louder back there than up front.

Try letting him (with your help of course) step up and try to get into the car seat by himself, you'll be there behind him to help.

Sometimes 2 yr olds think (I can do it by myself) so if you are forcing him, he's going to fight you.

Also alway give him his favorite blanket or toy before leaving the house. And try asking him before you leave the house to pick out a book to look at in the car, that way you are %26quot;preparing him in the house for a ride in the car%26quot;. Do this all the time, untill he gets use to it then say do you want to be a big boy and try to get in your car seat by yourself, daddy or mommy will be right here to help you if you need me.

Then ask him if the straps are ok around his shoulders and make sure he's not being pinched around his bottom area.

I'm trying to think of everything or give you ideas. (HELP) no just kidding...:)

Good luck, what a pain huh? But keep asking him and always ask him to show you ~
deal with it. Some kids hate car rides, its a fact of life. Let him scream all he wants. Just turn the music up and don't drive too often. Eventually, it'll be a treat for him to be able to ride with you. Arrange for a sitter when you need to drive anywhere. He'll start to understand in time that car time is time with mom and dad. And that'll be important to him. Just make a no screaming/whining rule.
What about bringing an extra car seat into the house %26amp; keeping it out so he can see it's not a scary thing. He might even start to like it if he sees it everyday in a different setting %26amp; doesn't associate it with the truck. You could reward him when he sits in the seat (in the house) with a sticker %26amp; maybe even put the seat in front of the tv so he'll sit %26amp; watch it. It might be worth a shot. Best of luck!
My niece and other children i babysit. They were same phase as your 2 yr old. They hate be in car, best way ask them what they want to bring in car like dolls or toys car. Even can get sip cup unspill cup in car and his blanket. it shld be work. u can also said we going to store or go visit tht way he know where u heading to. hope it helpful.
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