Friday 16 September 2011

How can I stop Other Peoples/Stray Cats walking over/laying on my car at night?

Love animals so would not want to harm them in anyway. 40 cars to choose from but they always pick mine! I would not mind but it is the scratches they leave on the roof %26amp; bonnet. The muddy paws marks I can clean! I have just changed cars but thismorning there were Paw marks Everywhere, lol Why mine?How can I stop Other Peoples/Stray Cats walking over/laying on my car at night?There is a spray called 'Off' and it has quite a strong odour. If you keep it in your car and spray it on your tyres once you get home, now and again it should be enough to put them off. Although it washes off in rain, cats have an incredible sense of smell and so the dislike of that odour will be there to put them off and they will pick other cars. Once you have used it for a while you should find that your car is left alone as they will have chosen others to call their own, being fairly territorial creatures. If you google the phrase 'cat deterrent spray' you should be able to find a selection of them and they are all fairly good. You should be able to get it mail order or a DIY store probably stocks it too. If you stick to spraying the tyres and possibly some ground around your car you avoid harming the paintwork.
How can I stop Other Peoples/Stray Cats walking over/laying on my car at night?
park in the garage
How can I stop Other Peoples/Stray Cats walking over/laying on my car at night?
car cover? or put your dog to bed in the car - lol
smear cat food on one of the other cars then the cats will be attracted to that one lol
Pour cat nip on someone elses car or call Animal Control
Probably cos yours was the last one in so warmest!

I find a hosepipe good - catch em enough times and they give up! And it doesn't hurt them.
I know cats hate anything citrus, leaving lemon peel in flower beds keeps them away.

Not quite sure if leaving lemon peel all over your car is a good idea though!
You could try one of those cat shapes with the shinny eyes. they are ment to scare strange cats away
1. get cat food or something and put it far away from the car.

2. get a vicious dog and tie it near the car. :)
When you see this incident you must scold them .
Sprinkle curry powder around your car, cats hate the smell of it. I have trouble with cats coming in my garden doing their %26quot;necessary%26quot; and laying on my car and scratching the paintwork so I have planted curry plants and hey presto - no more cats.

Hope this helps and have a nice day. ;)
When u park it hose it down real good they will find a dry car . u must park last they like warm cars .
Scolding and throwing water does work, when you are there to catch the cats on your car. It isn't cruel and won't hurt them but they will get the message.

If you don't want to lie in wait, then throw some water over your car just as you arrive home and just befor eyou go to bed, Cats won't sit on a wet car or even walk over it.
All the techniques described in previous posts might work. Alternatively, you could change your thinking about it. My cat and his friends often sleep on my car. I think the paw prints are cute. That is my thinking. BTW, they have never scratched the paint. I've never even heard of that. You either have some very unusual cats or a very unusual paint job.
if you have a garage, then put the car up at night and close the door. And i agree with the other suggestions- Off spray, water on the car, but the citrus and curry i have never heard of. but hey, if it works, then go for it!! and hosing them down IS a VERY effective way of getting rid of cats, and it does not hurt them, just ticks them off.
Why yours? Because it's not in the garage! Cats are like teenagers... they've made your car 'their streetcorner'.
Put plastic sheeting on the car
Get a car cover and they will either hate it or sit under the car as it will be like a giant tent! Either way no scratches or smudges or frosted windows on a morning!

p.s. You shouldn't have such a desirable car!
its not possibile my advise is invest in some spray to put on your lawns ect as most cats dont like any d i y stores ect
B B Gun
stay up all night and wait for one of the buggers.....then shoot it !!

problem solved.

10 points to me tra lala

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