Wednesday 21 September 2011

How to learn lane changing in a car (best place to learn and tips)?

I think I'm a good driver for my age its just I almost hit someone in my blind spot and now I'm scared to change lanes.

For some reason I'm not as scared to change lanes in a BMW 525it, or Land Rover Discovery but when I'm driving the a caravan I hesitate.( I had my almost accident in the caravan )How to learn lane changing in a car (best place to learn and tips)?Take the near miss, and use it as a learning experience. Hopefully, it reinforced the knowledge that you must be aware of your surroundings at all times when driving. You are supposed to check your mirrors frequently so you know what is going on. When you change lanes, always check your rear-view and side mirror, and look over your shoulder. When in doubt, do it twice.

The only way to get practice is on a highway where there are at least two lanes going in the same direction (with other cars present, of course). The only way to get over your fear is to keep practicing.
How to learn lane changing in a car (best place to learn and tips)?
Personally, I get a bigger rear-view mirror and two small round mirrors on the sides. This way, you take out the blind spots around your car and feel much more confident while driving.

Also, when changing lanes, don't slow down or speed up too much (compared to traffic). Make sure the other drivers understand that you're going to change lanes by signaling 2-3 seconds before you actually do it.

Don't worry, there are always stupid people who will drive in YOUR blind spot (instead of going faster or slower). It happens all the time.
How to learn lane changing in a car (best place to learn and tips)?
well check the lane by looking in ur mirrors and seeing if theres a car behind where u want to go if the car is quite a bit back you can change lanes. makes sure theres not a car in the lance ur trying to go to like saying

your car --%26gt; {} {} %26lt;-- there car if its like this dont change
The easiest way to check the lane beside you is to use your mirrors and a quick glance over your shoulder. Seriously though, if you're too scared to make a lane change, do the rest of us a favor and stay off the road.
look over your shoulder as well as in your mirror before changing lanes
Do you think listing your cars is going to impress us?? Suck it up and practice on the road where you will spend most of your time driving.

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