Saturday 24 September 2011

What happens when you don't get the oil in your car changed?

I haven't gotten the oil in my car changed in WAYY too long and this morning when i went to start it, it turned on, then shut off!!!! it's possible that i left a light on and the battery died, but im REALLY nervous that i broke my car!!? Triple A is on the way but i need some reassurance! And i already know that i should change the oil regularly... please dont remind me!What happens when you don't get the oil in your car changed?If it started and then died its not your battery. It could have nothing to do with your lack of maintenance or it could be your engine seizing up from dirty oil. But either way its not good on the car in the long term.
What happens when you don't get the oil in your car changed?
Your engine can seize.
What happens when you don't get the oil in your car changed?
Worst case scenario, the oil in your car is so dirty and thick that it has clogged up and turned into sludge. It could be something as simple as your battery being dead. I'm not a mechanic but you should definitely post year of the car, type of car, how many miles, past problems, etc etc
You could lock the engine up if there isn't much oil in there or if it isn't lubricating it properly. See what AAA says first then go from there. How long has it been since you changed the oil???
i still dont understand how people are that lazy to not get their oil change

all you have to do is drive up to an oil change place

sit in your car for 20 min

and they do the work for you..

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